Biggest Savings of the Year: 2 for 1 spreadings ($1500 value) with your tree purchase


Flagstaff Memorial Forest

Become a part of a forest oasis just one hour from Sedona

Explore the Forest

Browse trees online or in forest with a Guide​

See our Privacy Policy to learn how we use your information.

What makes the Flagstaff Forest Special

Better place forests memorial forest in Flagstaff Arizona

View of Kachina Peaks

Better place forests memorial forest in Flagstaff Arizona

Diverse Tree Species

Better place forests memorial forest in Flagstaff Arizona

Abundant Wildlife

Experience the forest sights and sounds

Our Guides will bring the forest to life with an online tour, or visit in-person to feel the magic firsthand.

Join the Flagstaff Community

Connect with people who love nature as much as you do.

It brings me peace to know you’ll be there with the wildlife you love and your feet and the sun shining down on you every day to give you strength and comfort.

Dustin P. Flagstaff Forest, Arizona
An aspen tree in the Better place forests memorial forest in Flagstaff Arizona

I think having a tree, having a place out in nature is so different.  Instead of showing my son a plot in a cemetery I can show him a tree. It’s a chance to teach him about renewal and that life carries on.

Sarah B. Flagstaff Forest, Arizona
A family by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

For years I worried about where my final resting place would be. I don't like graveyards. I love the beauty and sounds and smells of nature. I didn't want to end up polluting the earth or ocean.

Diane M Flagstaff Forest, Arizona
Forest guides in the Better place forests memorial forest in Flagstaff Arizona

Explore with a Better Place Forests Guide

Browse and shop the Flagstaff Forest with one-on-one support from a Guide. You can choose favorites online or visit the forest in-person to find your forever tree.

Visiting the Flagstaff Forest

Forest Visiting Hours

Thursday – Monday 10:00am – 5:00pm
by appointment only – schedule below 

Contact Us

In-Forest Services

Getting started? Find your tree.
Customers can visit or begin the Forest Memorial process.
an illustration of a guide in a memorial forest
Find Your Tree
an illustration shows a family with their dog walking in a forest
Existing Customer Visit
An illustration of a family watering wildflowers at a memorial spreading location
Forest Memorial

Explore available
trees with a Guide

Find the tree that speaks to you by exploring trees online or in-forest.

Couple and dog at Memorial Tree with Guide

Learn more about sustainable memorials

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See our Privacy Policy to learn how we use your information.