Biggest Savings of the Year: 2 for 1 spreadings ($1500 value) with your tree purchase

Find your place
in the forest

Our guides work with you to curate a list of memorial trees so you can find your perfect match.

Explore with a Better
Place Forests Guide

From online tree shopping consultations
to walking the forest, our Guides will help
you find the tree that speaks to you.
Better Place Forest

Handpicked trees for your budget

After a quick conversation, our 
knowledgeable Guides can
tailor a selection of trees to match 
your needs and budget.
better place forests

Save time by starting online

Most people begin exploring the
forest online with a Guide to decide
which trees to visit in-person.
an illustration of a better place forests guide talking with someone

Get expert guidance

Our Guides have helped thousands
of families find their memorial tree. They’ll
help make end-of-life planning
as simple as possible. 


Share the Love Event

2 for 1 spreadings ($1500 value)

Celebrate the connections that matter most
with a Memorial Tree to share with loved ones.

Share the Love Event

2 for 1 spreadings ($1500 value)

Celebrate the connections that matter most
with a Memorial Tree to share with loved ones.

How to find your tree

Most people have never purchased a Memorial Tree before. Here are a few factors to keep in mind when choosing your tree:

Where you want to be 

We have nine forest locations across the country. Consider your favorite places in nature, and a place that’s meaningful to you and your loved ones.
an aerial view of a memorial tree

What size tree you want

Our Guides are here to help find the perfect size for you, from Keepsake to Landmark. All Memorial Trees start with the right to spread ashes for one person, and you add spreading rights for people and pets. 

a couple looks up at a memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

What species and section speak to you 

Our forests are home to a mixture of tree species. Consider your favorite species, as well as if you prefer the heart of the forest, or a high point with a view.
A view of a path through a better place forests memorial forest.

Getting to your tree

Our forests are in their natural form. Some trees require a hike, and others can be accessed via in-forest transportation. Think about mobility concerns of all who may want to visit.
A couple walks through a memorial forests with a better place forest guide.

Real stories from our Forests

What came as a wonderful surprise is the reverence the staff added to our Forest Memorial. They guided us through returning our loved one to the earth . 

Chris B. Lake Arrowhead Forest, California
A family around their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

The process of selecting a tree was deeply spiritual . I am a tree-hugging conservationist and Better Place Forests is exactly what I had in mind for my ashes.

Patricia D. Point Arena Forest, California
A woman sits by her memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

This is a thoughtful, environmentally smart approach to end-of-life. I appreciate that my children will have a place other than a cemetery to visit.

Francine S. Santa Cruz Forest, California
A couple by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

Better Place Forests is the perfect place for us. The idea of being out in nature under our tree gives us such a feeling of peace.

Joy B. Yosemite Gateway Forest, California
A couple by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

I think having a tree, having a place out in nature is so different.  Instead of showing my son a plot in a cemetery I can show him a tree. It’s a chance to teach him about renewal and that life carries on.

Sarah B. Flagstaff Forest, Arizona
A family by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

Mother Teresa said, "Peace begins with a smile." My wild black cherry tree in the Rock River Forest brings a smile and a sense of peace, instead of angst.

Judith L. Rock River Forest, Illinois
A family by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

Picking out a tree, a symbol of family and strength, felt right. My parent's tree is more than a place to visit, it’s a symbolic reminder of our connection.

Michelle C. St. Croix Valley Forest, Minnesota
A family by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

I have spent many days walking in the forest. When you listen to the birds, the wind, the rustling of leaves… it’s a monumental, picturesque experience.

Dwight and Renate B. Berkshires Forest, Massachusetts
A couple by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

There’s something very magical about picking out your tree and knowing that you’ll become a part of that ecosystem.  In a way, you’ll live on in the future.

Susan K, Litchfield Hills Forest, Connecticut
Two sisters by their memorial tree in a better place forests memorial forest.

Explore available
trees with a Guide

Find the tree that speaks to you by exploring trees online or in-forest.

Couple and dog at Memorial Tree with Guide

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