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How to Write a Eulogy for Your Mother

If you're writing a eulogy for your mother, it can feel like a big task. Follow our guide for examples of what to include in your remembrance speech.
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Losing a mother is one of life’s most profound and challenging experiences. Each mother-child relationship is unique, imbued with countless memories and emotions that shape who we are. If you’ve recently lost your mother, it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and take the time you need to heal

If you’re delivering your mother’s eulogy at her funeral or memorial service, it can be a cathartic opportunity to pay tribute to her and all those who loved her. It’s ok if you find yourself wondering: how to write a eulogy for your mother. 

Our guide on how to write a eulogy for your mother offers some examples to help you draft the perfect speech in your mother’s honor. 

Crafting the Perfect Eulogy 

So, how do you write a eulogy for your mother? The good news is there’s no right or wrong way to write a eulogy for your mom, meaning you have the freedom to speak from your heart. Of course, there are probably so many wonderful things to say about your mother you might not know where to start. 

To help you write a eulogy for your mother, we’ve listed five topics to consider including in your speech. However, keep in mind that most eulogies are between five and ten minutes long, so don’t feel as though you need to fit all of these into your speech. Perhaps choose one or two of these eulogy examples for your mother that you feel best illustrates her and the beautiful life she lived. 

How to Write a Eulogy for Your Mother: 1. Share Memories

Choosing to tell a favorite memory of your mother is a great way to begin your eulogy. Maybe you want to include a funny story that highlights her sense of humor or a memory that reminds everyone of her heart of gold. 

For example, you might start your eulogy for your mother by saying, “Those of you who knew my mother, Beth, will recall how compassionate and nurturing she was with others—even animals. I’ll always remember when she saved a baby bird that fell from its nest. She stayed up night and day nursing that bird back to health, and once she released him into the wild, he came back and visited her every morning. Just like all of us, that little bird felt my mother’s unwavering love.” 

As her child, you have a unique and intimate lens through which you knew her. Drawing from these personal experiences, you can share intimate stories that others might not know. This is a special time to share those stories so others can know her the way you did.

a family looks out over a Better Place Forests memorial forest. They just finished writing a eulogy for your mother

How to Write a Eulogy for Your Mother: 2. Highlight Personality 

Another thoughtful way to introduce her in your eulogy is to describe your mother’s characteristics and personality. What do you remember and cherish most about her? You could discuss how smart and creative she was, helping you brainstorm the best science fair projects or beating everyone in trivia. Or perhaps it was her devotion to her family that always stood out to you. 

In your eulogy for your mother, you could introduce her by saying something like, “My mom, Linda, was smart, witty, funny, and honest, but above all, she was kind. Everyone who met my mother would always tell me how warm and loving she was, and I couldn’t agree more. Because of her, I’ll always remember to choose kindness every day.”

How to Write a Eulogy for Your Mother: 3. Highlight Accomplishments 

A beautiful way to honor your mother is by highlighting her accomplishments. These might include work achievements, volunteer initiatives, artistic abilities, or skills and talents in her family life. 

Perhaps your mother was a rockstar CEO who led a flourishing start-up company or a pioneer for women’s rights in her community. Maybe she single-handedly built you a treehouse when you were a kid, or organized every family reunion for the last 15 years. 

No matter how seemingly big or small the accomplishment, this is an opportunity to share what she loved, what she excelled at, and what mattered most to her. 

For example: “Marg, my mother, was a hard worker who was devoted to achieving her career goals. She worked three jobs to pay her way through college, and then she attended night school to earn her master’s degree after working her day job and taking care of us kids. All her effort paid off when she landed her dream job: manager of her engineering department. My mother inspired us to work hard and never give up on our dreams.”

How to Write a Eulogy for Your Mother: 4. Illustrate Influence

Your mother’s influence likely shaped the person you are today. Did she inspire you in your professional life? Did she encourage you to volunteer in your community and give back to those in need? Maybe she influenced the way you think about life, your values, or your relationships.

Think outside of yourself, too. How did she impact her family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers? Including these details in the eulogy is a wonderful way to describe your mother. 

For example, you might say: “To those of you who had the pleasure of knowing my mother, Lisa, you’ll remember how supportive she was to everyone she met. Even if you were a stranger, she’d instantly become your biggest cheerleader, encouraging you to succeed. My mother gave everyone the confidence to dream big and achieve their goals. With my mother by your side, you could feel invincible and conquer the world.”

How to Write a Eulogy for Your Mother: 5. Express Love

When it comes to composing a eulogy for your mom, don’t overthink it. Sometimes the most touching speeches simply express how much your mother meant to you. Talk about how much you loved her, how you loved her, and how much she will be missed. 

For instance, “Jane was a lot of wondering things: a strong athlete, a fearless advocate, an intelligent businesswoman, but to me, she was my mother. She meant the world to me, and I’ll miss her every day.” 

Writing a eulogy for your mother may feel painful at first as you’re reminded of how much you miss her, but it can also be a deeply cathartic experience in your grieving journey. Take pride in this task, as writing your mom’s eulogy lets you celebrate her life, remember her spirit, and share special memories of her with those who loved her most. 

Read more: Short obituary examples with templates to help get you started

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