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What You Need to Know About Spreading Your Pet’s Ashes in a Memorial Forest

Find a shared resting place for you and your pets with Better Place Forests. Explore our compassionate options for your pet's ashes.
family with their dog in the forest. They are talking about Spreading their Pet's Ashes

Choose a Tree Instead
of a Tombstone

Return ashes to the earth in a protected forest with Better Place Forests.

Pets bring so much joy, companionship, and comfort to our lives — and when they pass, it can be as difficult as losing a loved one. Our pets become part of our family and, like with any family member, it’s important that we properly lay them to rest. Unlike traditional burial, we welcome pet ash spreading ceremonies in our forests so you can share a final resting place with your beloved pets. 

“When we adopt … any pet, we know it is going to end with us having to say goodbye, but we still do it. And we do it for a very good reason: They bring so much joy and optimism and happiness.” – Bruce Cameron, author of A Dog’s Purpose

Honoring the memory of a beloved pet

There is a lot to consider when making plans for the remains of a pet that has had such a profound impact on our hearts. While yard burials were popular in the past, this is not an option for people who don’t own homes or may move in their lifetime. Burying a pet in a yard is also illegal in many states, or comes with certain restrictions in others. For most pet owners, cremation provides the most flexibility, as pet cremation ashes can be stored or spread in a number of unique ways. If you have questions about the pet cremation process, read this article to learn everything you need to know about animal cremation services

“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” – James Cromwell

When it comes to memorial ideas for pet ashes that create a positive ecological impact, consider honoring the memory of your furry friend by spreading its ashes under a memorial tree in a protected forest. At Better Place Forests we conserve forests that would otherwise be developed, preserving the ecosystem so that all its inhabitants may thrive. By choosing a memorial tree, you protect the forest for the diverse wildlife who call it home, showing them the same care you showed your pet during their life. 

A woman sits with her dog looking out over an expansive forest view. she can spread her pet''s ashes in a memorial forest

Spreading pet ashes in a forever forest 

Better Place Forests customer Micheal P. wanted to find an end-of-life option that allowed her to create a legacy with her pets. “I plan to have my pets’ ashes mixed with my own, a continuation of my care for them,” she said. “They are rescue animals and I will always protect them.”

We offer two options for pet spreading ceremonies so that each family may choose the best way to remember and celebrate their pet’s life.

Shared Ceremony: A shared ceremony is conducted when pet ashes are spread at the same time as the ceremony for their human. Ashes can be spread separately or commingled, depending on the family’s wishes. This is a beautiful way for animal and human to reunite, meeting again in a stunning setting where friends and families can visit and connect with nature while they remember their loved ones. The cost to spread pet ashes during a shared ceremony is an additional $250. 

Private Ceremony: We understand that a pet and its human companion may die years apart, and one may need to be laid to rest before the other. For families who require multiple spreadings, we offer pet-only spreadings by appointment. A forest steward will pre-prepare the tree, combine your pet’s ashes with soil upon arrival, and then spread the pet ashes at the base of the tree. The forest will remain open for tours and other visitors during private pet ceremonies. 

Choosing to return to the earth with your pet is a comforting thought for many people making end-of-life plans. 

 “I have a place to go with my pets and I will be giving back to the earth — it’s life after death.” – Better Place Forests Point Arena customer, Cynthia F. 

Our advisors are here to help make a plan that will ensure you and your pets are together through eternity while protecting a forest for future generations of humans and animals to enjoy. Book a free online forest tour today to learn more. 

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