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Natural Burial: A Sustainable End of Life Option

Natural burial is a sustainable end-of-life option that has many benefits, both for the individual and for the environment.
A large oak tree looking out over a meadow. An example of a place for a natural burial

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Natural burial is a sustainable end-of-life option that has many benefits, both for the individual and for the environment. 

If you’re considering natural burial for yourself or a loved one, read on to learn more about this beautiful and earth-friendly way to honor a life well lived. This type of burial is growing in popularity across America. 

Learn more about the process of how a natural burial works, alternatives you might want to consider, and some of the pros and cons of this eco-friendly option.

What is natural burial? 

Natural burial is the process of burying a whole human body in the ground in a way that allows the body to decompose naturally. By using biodegradable materials, foregoing embalming fluid and cremation, natural burials reduce our environmental footprint.

Natural burial sites are often referred to as “green burial sites” or “green cemeteries.”

How natural burial works

Natural burial begins with digging a shallow grave in a native habitat like a woodland or meadow. The body is not embalmed or chemically preserved. Typically, the body is wrapped in biodegradable materials like cotton or muslin, but sometimes people will use a coffin or casket made of biodegradable material like wicker. The grave does not use a burial vault or outer container (used in traditional graves to prevent the body from coming in contact with soil). The grave should be shallow enough that once the body is placed, microbes and bacteria can begin the decomposition process. You can think of this process as similar to composting you might do in your garden.

The body begins decomposing after death, and it can take anywhere from 2 years to 20 years for the body and bones to completely decompose. The type of soil, natural bacteria present, and moisture content all affect the pace of decomposition.  

Why people choose natural burial

There are three common reasons people choose natural burial:

Why natural burial: 1. Circle of life

Many people like the idea of returning to the earth in a simple, straightforward way. Natural burial allows us to rejoin the natural cycle of life with minimal environmental impact.

Why natural burial: 2. Leaving a “green” legacy

Green burial sites are often protected meadows, woodland, or forests. By choosing this method of interment, your choice helps protect these natural spaces for the next generation.

Why natural burial: 3. Minimizing environmental impact

Natural burial does not use chemicals, concrete, or steel caskets. Natural burial is a way to leave a minimal negative environmental footprint.

Tips on how to plan a natural burial

If you’re considering natural burial, it’s important to find out what regulations exist in your area, as they may influence your decision.

1. Natural burial near me: How to find a provider

Finding the right provider is a crucial first step, but can be overwhelming. We compiled a guide to help you with your search to find a reputable and trustworthy resource near you. Be sure to check out our guide here.

If you’re struggling to find a green burial option you like in your area, it’s possible to have a body sent to a neighboring state. If that’s not an option for you, you may want to consider cremation or aquamation (water cremation) and scattering the ashes in a natural space.

2. Green Funeral Homes: 10 Tips for Choosing a Provider

Once you’ve identified a few possible natural burial providers near you you’ll need to choose one. How do you choose the right provider for your needs? We’ve created 10 essential tips for choosing a green funeral home for natural burials. Our tips range from inquiring about certification to the type of cemetery.

It’s often possible to prepay for your natural burial site. Be sure to clearly document what you’ve chosen and what you have/have not paid for. We highly recommend having a conversation with your family before your time of need.

Alternatives to natural burial

Typically people considering natural burial are interested in an eco-friendly, non-traditional option. Here are a few alternatives to consider: 

  1. Human Composting/Natural Organic Reduction/Terramation/Recomposition: Similar to natural burial, the body is placed directly in the soil with organic materials to begin decomposing. The soil is often housed in a stainless steel vessel in a human composting facility. Typically, after 8-12 weeks, the soft tissue of the body is decomposed. Human composting sites will often crush the remaining bones and mix them into the soil.  A typical body yields a cubic ton of soil, which can be a lot for surviving family members to manage. 
  2. Tree Pods: Ashes or a full body are placed in a biodegradable urn with soil and tree seeds/a sapling.
  3. Memorial Trees: Ashes or remains are interwoven with soil and placed around a mature tree. 
  4. Water Cremation/Aquamation: Water cremation uses 90% less energy than flame cremation. The body is placed in a vessel with water and alkali salts until it decomposes. Bone fragments are returned to the family as a fine white powder, often still referred to as ashes. You can spread these ashes in a natural location.
A woman kneels at the base of a memorial tree. This is another option compared to natural burial

The pros and cons of natural burial

Pros of natural burial: 

  1. Natural burial is a sustainable choice for those who want to reconnect with the natural environment when they have reached the end of their life. 
  2. It allows people to connect with nature in an eco-friendly way, without causing any harm to the environment. 
  3. It protects natural habitats. Instead of land being manicured landscapes, natural burial sites are part of the local ecosystem, and support local wildlife.
  4. Natural burial is often more affordable than traditional burial.

Cons of natural burial: 

  1. It may be difficult to find a provider near you. While this option is becoming more popular, it’s not common across America just yet.
  2. It may require additional paperwork and working with a funeral home. 
  3. It may be harder for loved ones to visit the burial site. This varies from site to site, but not all sites use a marker. Your loved ones may want a place they can easily find with a marker. 
  4. Green Burials need to happen quickly. Because no embalming fluids are used, the body needs to be placed in the ground quickly. This can add stress and pressure to loved ones planning a funeral/celebration of life.

In conclusion, natural burial is an accessible, eco-friendly, and meaningful form of interment. It provides the opportunity to reduce one’s environmental footprint, honor the dead in a natural way.

This option is growing in popularity but still isn’t common in America, so it’s best to plan ahead to help alleviate challenges for surviving family members. When you’re ready to begin making end-of-life plans, schedule a free online forest tour with one of our guides to compare memorial trees to natural burial.

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