Biggest Savings of the Year: 2 for 1 spreadings ($1500 value) with your tree purchase


Gently transforming human remains into soil. The only facility that provides in-person laying-in services and the ability to visit your loved one throughout the Terramation (human composting or body composting) process.

Return Home exists to ensure families have access to gentle, inclusive, and transparent death care that continues the cycle of life. Our Terramation (human composting or body composting) process gently transforms human remains into life-giving soil using only alfalfa, straw, and sawdust.

As a full-service green funeral home, Return Home offers immediate need and pre-need (pre-planning) human composting services. We have the option to have an in-person or online laying-in service where friends and family can be part of the laying-in of their loved one. We serve families in 49 U.S. states and all of Canada.

Return Home is more than just a funeral home, we are a movement. We are a community dedicated to showing love, kindness, and inclusiveness in everything we do, and with every family in our care. Return Home aims to revolutionize the world’s deathcare experience through transparent, ethical, and sustainable practices, allowing us to make our final act on earth one that gives back.

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