Letting Go
Letting go of a loved one’s ashes can be a new beginning
Family Legacy
When Don passed away in 2023, his wife faced the emotional and challenging task of deciding on a final resting place. With a history deeply rooted in horticulture, Don’s family legacy was intertwined with trees—his grandfather had started the Pottinger Nursery in Indianapolis, and his father pursued a degree in Horticulture. For Don and his wife Ginger, nature was a significant part of their lives.
Seeking a Unique Memorial
Don was diagnosed with invasive cancer in January 2023, marking his third battle with the disease. In their discussions about life and death, both Don and his Ginger expressed a desire for a non-traditional final resting place. The idea of being laid to rest in a box in the ground didn’t resonate with them. Instead, they wanted something more spiritually aligned with their love for nature and environmentally-friendly.
Though not religious, Don had requested a minister to attend his memorial. It was Pastor Ryan who introduced them to Better Place Forests, sparking immediate interest. The idea of becoming part of a tree, celebrated in a forest, felt like the perfect tribute to Don’s life and values.
“Talking about death and dying wasn’t difficult for us. We just knew we didn’t want to go the traditional route. We wanted something more friendly to the world and to ourselves.”
-Ginger P.
Flagstaff Memorial Forest, Arizona
The Solution
Discovering Better Place Forests provided a solution that aligned perfectly with their wishes. The concept was simple yet profound—a Memorial Tree where Don’s ashes could be spread, allowing him to become part of the forest. This solution offered solace in knowing that both Don and Ginger would one day be together at their chosen tree.
After reading about Better Place Forests, Ginger felt a strong connection to the mission and the comforting idea of becoming part of the tree. Within a month of Don’s passing, Ginger decided to purchase a Douglas Fir Memorial Tree with additional spreading rights for her at Better Place Forests Flagstaff, ensuring her place alongside him when her time comes.
“The thought of knowing that Don and I are going to be together again is comforting. When I bought the tree, there was no doubt in my mind that I would buy the rights for me too—so I could be right there with him.”
-Ginger P.
Flagstaff Memorial Forest, Arizona
A Personal Tribute
Thirteen months after Don’s passing, a Forest Memorial was arranged, bringing together family to honor his memory. The couple’s tree, nestled in the serene Flagstaff forest, evoked memories of Grandpa Pottinger’s cabin with its pine trees and boulders—a setting that felt naturally fitting.
The Memorial Marker at their memorial tree reads, “Come sit under my tree and talk with me. I’m always here to listen and the sound of blowing leaves will be me,” a personal touch that captured Don’s spirit and their eternal connection.
“We are still missing him tremendously, but I think it’s a great place for him to rest and be a part of the trees and a part of the forest.”
-Ginger P.
Flagstaff Memorial Forest, Arizona
A Comforting Journey
For Susan, the process of choosing Better Place Forests was made all the more comforting by the Forest Guide, who handled everything with gentleness and understanding.
This unique Forest Memorial allowed her to find peace in knowing that she and Don will spend forever together, becoming part of the natural world they cherished. With Better Place Forests, they found a resting place that embodies this shared philosophy and honors their love for nature.
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